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01 / 10 / 2024ah, uh... Here! Take this!!! ![]() 28 / 09 / 2024Well that's it, back to graphic design school for me. Honestly that first week went pretty well but as left me kinda tired, i guess i still haven't really got back unto the rythm of it all. Other than that i just finished Persona 3 yesterday! I liked it and am really glad that i did, because at first i found myself annoyed by some of the characters or the fact that you cant just be friends with the girls but the game ended up proving me wrong and mking me like them. Not Kenji tho. Fuck him. I'll play the answer soon too, I only saw a clip of Makoto's shadow (?) being deconstructed layers by layers and the vibes where so immaculate i just went "I have to play this". But truly the vibes of Persona 3 FES are immaculate in general, i really REALLY like how the animated cutscene often feels very aggressive, very kino 2000 edge. Me likee, me want more. 06 / 09 / 2024Wow, it really as been two month since i did anything on here. It sounds stupid but i wanted to do stuff on here but SMTVV came out and it """kinda""" forgot about anything else, meaning i've 100%'ed the game in the two weeks following it's release. Really nothing to brag about, truthfully it's pretty enbarrasing. The thing is, after that, things keept pilling up in my personnal life, IMPORTANT stuf. To an exhausting amount, in fact i'm still not done and there's more coming. ![]() I didn't do nearly as much as i would have liked to, but i did progressed in 3D modeling! I've become more familiar with Blender and have made my first render and currently making my first rigged model, even tho i've been progressing slowly, but i'm still feeling pretty positive about it. ![]() Other than that, i did get some ideas as to what to add/change on this blog, i don't want to talk too much about them so has to not get your hopes up too much as its not garanted i'll even do half of those but i kinda want to redo the look of theblog. Not like a drastic rebrand or something! It's just that looking back at it, it really seems like quite a lot could be polished and improved. Plus, it could be a nice opportunity to practice 3D modeling and graphic design, who knows! (o゜▽゜)o☆ (Me, i do, in fact, knows. Duh.) PS: I'll have to redo most of my codes too, it's messy as all hell. 02 / 07 / 2024Come on my blog and right-click! C'mon, it'll be fun, you just take your mouse in your dominant hand and with your finger press the large button on the right when hovering a image of your liking. Then a option menu will pop-up, you want to select "save image as", trust me! I'm sure you'll like it!!! 31 / 05 / 2024Jeez, am i tired. I'm sorry that i didn't updated this for for two whole +somedaysididn'ttookthetimetocount, but school as been taking a lot outa me. And that an understatement. Just the simple fact that i do not enjoy what I'm doing at all should be enough but i seem to not be able to function at all for some reason. But that is nothing new. And with my 3hours per day of travel from home to there (dont have the money to live on campus or closer) i really dont have time myself or for my (already poor) social life. Like the last time i really got out to do something fun was on my birthday. WICH IS IN AUGUST!!! Σ(●д●) So yeah but also (god I'm so good with words) this year's almost over so relief ia coming. Now that I'm finally going to have the time to, there's a lot of stuff i want to do. I tried sometime ago to pick up 3D modeling starting with making metalhearts! I got really lucky stumbling upon this really good video tutorial but now I'm trying to make a whole little guy. ![]() I'm also really hoping to finish that song I've been stuck on for a long time now, I've a hard time with this! But most of all i truly want to draw more. For the past years i haven't draw nearly as much as i used & want to and in technicality, it shows. But im pretty confident that I'll get back the hang of it, in fact I've already (admitedly) slowly got back to it lately and even if it slowly is, things are coming back to me. Maybe I'll actually try to learn how to properly shade and color while I'm at it + I've found some of the brushes I had lost when my laptop got rebooted! There's also a whole buncha stuff i wanna do on here, most important, totally re-doing the gallery page. the more I look at it the more I wonder what i was thinking (¬_¬") Also trying out making some shrines, a Galerians one would totally be fun! 30 / 05 / 2024'Kay, I wanted to do a diarry entry whith the first update in 2 months but it's like, almost 4am and Ima way too sleep deprieved to align correctly words. Uhhh anyway, I started playing Persona 1, game good ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪ 25 / 02 / 2024Would you believe me if i told you i wanted to finish the "blog post" page and post before the end of 2023? Yeah i know, kinda late there! I guess i should tell what i intend to to here. Well it's pretty simple and barebone, i think this is going to be a sorta-diary, writting thoughts (short and not so) and maybe more in depth talk about stuff i'm passionate about! Actually, before doing that i'm going to be a little bit introspective, yes i know "Already?! That guy didn't even got started and he's already getting all sappy???". Sorry about that, please indulge me, i promise there's fun stuff right after that. So, when i started to make the entry that would morph into this, i've kinda had to face the realisation that i didn't know what to say, how to say and when to say. No actually it's not even that i had to face it, it's more like i was running without looking in front of me at MAXIMUM VELOCITY toward a brickwall! So not the greatest feeling (duh!). Add a big lack of confidence to the mix and poof!, 2 month of procrastination. But this place is to call my own, and i should not let my worry refrain me from that. Aww jeez, i'm really not great at articullating my feelings and thoughts aren't i? Well i guess this blog is going to be practice! Anyway, i wanna share with y'all two of my favorite album that i've listened to for the first time last year! I don't think it's a big surprise to anyone to say that i really like music, after all the first fully-functionnal page i've made for this site was "the radio". It has been a big part of my life for these past years, as i've got more invested in some bands and genre, up to even learning how to play an instrument and committing to make songs (even tho i'm still green)! Oh and by favorite i don't mean favorite of the year, but favorite favorite, the kind of favorite that propel said album/band to an all-time favorite. I really love them and am quite excited to talk about them! ![]() Haru to shura is her first full-lengh album, it's a mix of alt-rock, post-punk/hardcore and J-pop sprinkled with some noise influenced interlude. I f it was just the instrumentals this record would already be increadible as catching as the melody are, but Haru voice truly steals the show with it's high-speed high-speech rate and those raw soul shaking screams! The first time heard the opening song "Make more noise of you" was by complete accident and by god was it a happy accident. ![]() Wonderful album by a wonderful band, pivoting from shoegaze to ambient techno, alternative metal, drone and screamo. Some people say that this jumping between genres is too weird and the album is just a shoegaze album with filler, and to these people is say they are cowards. It's a very noisy and bittersweet record, filled with moments that hits like a brick with those amazing vocals by Narasaki. If you happen to give it a try and like it, you should defo check the band other albums. Even though i still haven't listened to their whole discography, i've never been let down. __ / __ / ____Don't mind me, i'm just a placeholder! I'll be gone soon (i think). |